VAT refund and excise duty

Why choose Negometal?

Negometal provides a team of international VAT & tax reclaim specialists so you benefit from :

  • Our extensive knowledge of the international transport sector
  • ISO 9001 recognised expertise in processing administrative documents
  • A substantial experience in cooperating with European administrative authorities

Since 1984, the Négométal Group and their subsidiaries across Europe have been working hard to meet the needs of our international transporter clients.

Tax refund and payment solution specialists

  • VAT refund within 10 days (**) in all 28 countries of the European Union (***)
  • Recovery of fuel taxes (TICPE, Carbon Tax, etc.) in 8 countries
  • On-board units, giving you a discount of up to 13%
  • Guarantee-less payments with our exclusive pre-payment system
  • Professional and fully configurable payment tools with the C2A card
  • Macron Law corporate appointment service, Law 136, etc.
  • “Manufacturer price-fixing” legal assistance

(**) Subject to conditions

(***) In Switzerland and Norway, too

MyNegometal, your customer area

My Negometal

Négométal provides a completely free private space for all your services and documents, allowing you to run your business safely and securely.

  • Manage your fleet of on-board units in real time
  • Consult your toll transactions on a daily basis
  • Track your ongoing requests for VAT or TICPE reimbursements
  • Download the invoices and transactions for all your services
  • Update your documents (vehicle registration, Macron Law, etc.)
  • And new services still to come...

In a never-ending effort to improve their efficiency and quality of service, Négométal has been ISO 9001 certified since 2000.


Negometal "Growth Champion 2021" of the Les Echos list, in collaboration with Statista.

Les Echos Growth Champions



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