VAT refund

Refund your VAT from across Europe

Your company is subject to VAT requirements in your country

You spend money in Europe

Négométal can also collect the VAT on your tickets!

Send your business invoices to our teams so we can recover your VAT as soon as possible from the 28 member states, Switzerland and Norway.

You’ll no longer have to wait months to recover your VAT. Négométal will compile your reimbursement requests for the EU fiscal administrations and are committed to refund the VAT on your diesel invoices, tolls, adBlue and HGV washing (*)up to 10 days after receiving your completed claim.

(*) List of recoverable products, according to the current regulations in each EU country

Choose your way of refund

ANTICIPATED way: within 10 days (*)

Invoice despatch

Send your original diesel, toll and other service invoices to Négométal

Request submission

Once we receive your fully completed file, Négométal will file a request to the European fiscal authorities

Payment within 10 days

10 days later, Négométal will transfer the VAT of your invoices to your bank account

(*) Come and talk to us about the types of expenses and the countries which are eligible for advance reimbursement.

NOT ANTICIPATED way: ended term

Invoice despatch

Send your original diesel, toll and other service invoices to Négométal

Request submission

Once we receive your fully completed file, Négométal will file a request to the European fiscal authorities

Négométal reimbursement

Once your file is processed, the fiscal authorities will reimburse your total VAT to Négométal

Payment within 15 days

15 days later, Négométal will transfer the VAT of your invoices to your bank account

Net Invoicing: Travel light

Négométal invoices

Optimise your cash-flow! With Net Invoicing, there’s no need to pay VAT on Négométal invoices.



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