Legal Information

Editor of this site

The site is edited by Négométal, France
Capital: 250,000€
Address : NEGOMETAL, Immeuble le Bel Rive, 6 Chemin de Jorlis, 64600 ANGLET - FRANCE
Bayonne’s RCS n° 329 790 455
VAT number : FR 89 32 97 90 455
Phone : +33 559 55 45 64
Internet address :
Person in charge : Nadi KANAAN


The site is hosted by Négométal
Address : Immeuble le Bel Rive, 6 Chemin de Jorlis, 64600 ANGLET – France
Internet address :

Website design & realization

Website design & realization : Négométal

General Data Protection Regulation

Data processing

In accordance with the current regulations and in order to give you the best services, Négométal is required to collect some of your personal data.

As set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (UE Regulation 2016/679 of the 27-4-2016), any person involved in personal data processing has right enabling him to keep those data safe. We commit to respect those rights and give you the access to them.

For any further information about data processing in Négométal and rights procedures, please consult online our Data Protection Charter.

Information about cookies

When you visit our website we send a cookie to your computer in order to recognize you during future visits.

This cookie doesn’t have any impact on the others data hosted on your machine.

If you don’t want cookies to be saved in your computer, you can configure your browser in order to prevent it.

For more information consult on line our information about cookies.

Reporting procedures

According to the GDPR, as a company set on several Member State of European Union, Négométal enjoys the mechanism of “single-window”. It enables the company to have a single interlocutor for all processing activities within European Union: “the lead authority”.

The French Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés CNIL offers the companies to become their “lead authority” following a submission of statement. Therefore the CNIL is now the unique interlocutor of Négométal and its branches concerning all the GDPR procedures.


All the elements of this site, such as registered trademarks, domain names, texts, graphics, logos, sounds, pictures and animations, are the property of the site editor, except the elements coming from Negometal partners.

The protection of the website is subject to nationals and internationals legislations related to the intellectual property law. All the rights of Négométal are reserved. Therefore, any reproduction, representation or rebroadcasting, in whole or in part, on any electronic medium or others, present and future, other than individual or private, are forbidden unless express and prior authorization. Likewise, information databases are protected in exercise of the law applicable to data compilation. So that any extraction or extraction’s attempt, full or partial, may commit civil and criminal liabilities.

Implementation of hyperlinks

Négométal allow any Website or any other medium to mention or set up a hypertext link toward

The authorization for creating a hyperlink is valid for any medium, excluding those spreading political, religious, pornographic, xenophobe, or any information which could harm moral.

In accordance with this authorization, our team reserve the right to object.

Further we give you the right to reproduce our logo as far as you set up the hyperlink and you refer to

In this case, the format and specifications of the logo must be observed.


All the information and hyperlinks available on Négométal Website are provided honestly.

The current Website includes links to others websites managed by third party. Therefore, Négométal cannot be held responsible neither for the content, nor for the services provided, nor for potentials access difficulties of those websites. Despite the constantly updating of this website, Négométal assumes no liability for the consequences of a potential misinformation supplied by one of our partners or for a post legal or statutory modification.

Négométal reserve the right to change information and data at any time and without advance notice.

As far as possible Négométal try to keep the services offered accessible, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but the access may be interrupted for maintenance purposes and updates or any other reasons, in particular technical. Négométal is not responsible for any interruption or for the consequences that they may have for the User. Moreover, Négométal reserve the right to stop or modify at any time the services provided on the Website.



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